Archive Mode. Call 2020 WINTER DAKOTA PASTELS COMPETITION ended on 3/15/20, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls


Perserverence, Emerging Pastel Artist
This painting was inspired by early morning walks on the beach as a participant in the local Sea Turtle Project. Volunteers on my small island walk the beach every morning at dawn from May through August looking for the tracks of loggerhead sea turtles where they came up during the night to lay eggs. If you are really lucky, on rare occasions you may see the Momma turtle returning to the ocean after her hard nights work. This is done on UART 400 paper, 11 x 14 in size. The paper was toned with Nupastel and alchohol with subsequent layers added using a combination of primarily Terry Ludwigs, Jack Richardsons and Unision. Pastel pencils were used to help with the turtle detail.

Emerging Pastel Artist